Friday, December 09, 2005



"Yes, my son?" replies the boy's father who is preoccupied with splitting wood so that his family may make it through the harsh winter that looms ahead.

"Is it true that when I grow up I can be anything I want?" the son asks as he places another log on the stump for his father to split.

His father, after swiftly swinging his axe to slice the log in twain replies, "Yes, son. If you work hard at anything, you can fulfill any dream you may have. But what makes you ask such questions?"

"Well, Father," the boy begins to reply as he places the half log upon the stump and steps away. "I really dont know what it is I want to be."

His father chuckles as he agains splits the wood with perfect accuracy. "Son, you are only seven winters old. You have many years ahead of you to decide what you want to do with your life. There is no need to rush such things. And when that time comes and you still do not know what you want to do, then explore as many possibilities as you can until you find something you love. And when you do find that something special, go after it with every bit of your heart."

The boy quietly assists his father with the task of splitting wood for about an hour, not replying to any conversation attempts his father tries to make with his son. Before the father is able to ask his son why he is so quiet, his son speaks.

"Father. You are right. I do have a lot of time ahead of me. I think I will just explore the lands and see where life takes me. Worrying about such things now will not help me when that time comes along. But I think I can start preparing myself for anything that may arise. I need to study so I will have knowledge to help me. I must get stronger so that I can overcome any hardship. And I must learn how to balance myself spiritually so that I may not become weak of will."

The father looks at his son in quiet contemplation for a moment, wondering how a boy of his age could be wise enough to plan such goals. "Okay son, this is enough wood for today. Why don't you go down the road and play with Skyler."

"Okay, Father." the boy shouts as he is already running away toward his friends house. His father shakes his head as he watches his son run off and then begins to carry wood over to their home.


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